
Reclaim your body
Reclaim your space
Reclaim your dreams in these clouds
socialized to put other’s needs before our own
capitalized is our labor to build empires that aren’t our homes
Can your breath reach the depths of each cell?
or does it only reach the surface,
blocked by the walls of meeting expectations untold?
In these clouds
Nature doesn’t operate by the values of humanity
What can she teach us through her transmitted frequency?
Nature operates on her own time
when did we start to let others
dictate our minds?
Pain is cry of help from your body
abused not by it’s true master
but by the society that claims to own it.
I invite you to breath with me a little deeper, and a little slower
Feel your breath reclaim your body
and feel your body as a sacred vessel
that belongs to you
and only you
Are there certain places
that your body aches?
notice those areas
not with contempt
but rather with compassion
let the chains of expectation, guilt and shame
touch the air
to oxidize, break and release/
imagine the weight of a lifetime lifted
perhaps even more
my unshackled soul
once again able to soar.


What is my intention for being?
is it to rush from one place to another
unable to catch my breath?
is it to live one experience
only to be in anticipation for the next?
Is it to mindlessly engage in activity?
as part of our preconditioned proclivities?
weary from a journey that doesn’t feel like mine
what part of myself will I loose this time?
Holding a mask pieced together
From the fragmented praise of others.heads down, mouths moving, hearts closed
moving but not feeling
looking but not seeing
who are you trying to be?
who are you trying to please?
What your soul knows authentically
is that just being is worthy
Worthy of rest
worthy of failure
worthy of slowness
In this moment of eternity,
Decide, what is the priority?
I am worthy because I am worthy
there is no reason why
that I must justify
my existence is proof of my royalty
my nobility
and my dignity
no action and no accolade
is needed
to say otherwise


Look up and remember
You’re just one being
on one star in the universe
Zooming out to see the whole perspective
sensing the energetic force fueling all creativity
A cosmic continuous expansion
The natural state of being
In a state of infinite possibility
we could take all paths
Yet hesitate within the herd
Conditioned beliefs and past lives
Keeping us in bondage
Doing things we don’t want to but feel safe to
Seeking validation and not self expression
Questioning, is everyone else satisfied with this way of living?
Perhaps they are all thinking the same thing.
And the hardest part was finding your authenticity.
a new path presents itself before you
How many times will you try the same thing
until you realize what a new choice would bring?
I exist to break the normal definitions,
and create new ones for myself and others.
Isn’t that what it means to be a creator?
There are always exceptions to the rule,
But perhaps, anyone can be the exception.