Sometimes while dreaming for our future, we confuse vision for fantasy - another false pleasure.
Fantasy is actually derived from the mind - from ego - and beneath the false pleasure of fantasy, there is actually attachment.
If you look deep inside, the fantasy is masking fear, pain, sadness, loneliness because you are attached to a certain way a constructed future will make you feel.
Real joy has no attachment to fantasy - it is rooted in a magic greater than fantasy.
Real joy says - what if you were meant to live a life greater than your vision board? (How does that possibility feel in your body?)
With fantasy, there is always fear underlying it - what if it doesn’t happen? And from this place we want to control the outcome. We create problems in our mind that haven’t even happened yet.
So how we navigate our fantasies? By coming back to the present moment- again and again.
And we don’t always nail it - you might get lost in the fantasy & then get upset about not “letting go” (watch out for this!)
Disappointment and fear might come up when you DO start letting go. It’s okay!
Because if you can meet ALL your emotions in the moment, you’ll discover your true VISION - which is built from trust. From your innate values rather than a projected fantasy.
Vision is infinite - it allows for new possibilities instead of staying rigid to what your mind knows.
Fantasy is finite - the feeling ends once you exit the fantasy.
Vision is operating from the transformation of your soul - fantasy doesn’t allow for change.
With vision, we trust instead of forcing outcomes and disappointment no longer exists. You have faith that whatever happens IS for your greatest good.
So I offer you this prayer:
Universe, Spirit, God - show me a more expansive reality than my fantasies ever could.
To your becoming,