I hope you are having the most delicious, juicy joyful holidays.
Something that has dawned on me recently, as I'm integrating one of the most amazing months of my life...
is distinguishing true pleasure from false pleasure.
Often this advice of “do what excites you” is confusing - what if all you want to do is play video games or watch TV?
This is where we can differentiate true pleasure from false pleasure - and it's a moment to moment decision making process.
False pleasure is like an itchy mosquito bite.
It feels good only during the early stages of scratching, but it leaves you empty and wanting more. If you're not constantly scratching it, there’s a feeling of discomfort that you have to cover up by scratching more.
What looks like pleasure actually builds lack.
True pleasure comes from a groundedness that leaves you full.
It guides you towards a path into something greater - and sometimes it can feel uncomfortable during because it’s the unknown and relies on your intuition.
True pleasure connects you to the body rather than takes you away from it.
However, you can do the same two activities and have false and true pleasure experiences.
For example, I can draw - but analyze, push, critique myself and think about what others want, and it's a false pleasure. I constantly need to analyze and problem solve and produce more and more to relieve the itch.
Or I can draw in flow, with my intuition, guided by my inner vision rather than guides and step by step processes
and it brings about a true pleasure - where I'm delighted by my own creative process.
This can look different for everyone - but the main message is to build the awareness to distinguish true pleasure from false pleasure.
That's what I'm teaching in the 21 Day Clarity Challenge - the awareness of where your energy, desire, and also frustrations are coming from so you can build a life & career that lights you the fuck up.
As a holiday present, I'm compiling all the audio trainings and HW into a google drive for easy access - this will only be available until 1/15/25.
>> Link to the Pregame & Day 1-13 Here <<
To your becoming,