Hey soul fam,
To say the last week was an insane rollercoaster would be an understatement. 6 days ago...
I found myself on the bathroom floor, with a splitting headache and hands shaking gripping the edge of my toilet seat. Nausea and pain for 5 hours…but it wasn’t my first rodeo and before you get concerned, I am totally fine!
I knew at a deep level I was going through a biological upgrade (Joe Dispenza talks about this in his blog).
In fact, when I went to my first meditation retreat in 2022 and healed 75% of my my chronic IBS symptoms, something very similar happened after - nausea, headache and fever for 3 days.
In those moments, it takes surrender and trust…knowing this is you moving forwards when it looks like you’re going backwards.
The truth is, transformation isn’t a linear process.
When you begin to alchemize your health, career, relationships…sometimes it looks like all the shitty things are…getting shittier.
More doubts might come up. All the anxious feelings, insecurities, anger and worry you buried deep under you.
In my case, also some occasional extreme nausea & purging (“is this what pregnant women go through?” “I think this is what ayahuacua is like but without the trip”)
But as with my healing and career journey…the other side is always worth it ;)
I've never felt healther in my life. And never more in love with what I do & how I show up in the world.
I dive into this alchemization in my latest podcast episode, Non Linear Progress & Career Alchemy
Listen here: