Your purpose on this earth…mine….and everyone else’s… BEING THE MOST YOU.
It’s that simple. This is the path to the greatest abundance in joy, fulfillment, wealth & love.
But WTF does that really mean?
It becomes more clear when you look at the negative space - the subtle moments where you're not being you. Moments such as...
...when you look at someone else’s path to success and say to yourself “but my path doesn’t look exactly like theirs so there’s no way I could be successful in that field”
....when you’re in the career/professionalism closet & present your resume, business, etc in one way but behind the scenes you’re totally different
...when you say something you think is funny in the moment out loud but the next you think “oh god I hope I wasn’t too much or embarrassing”
....when you feel like you have so many gifts and talents but you try to squeeze in in the right format or lanes
....when you tell someone else a lie about what you really want and then start to believe it yourself
These moment compound and compound and compound until we feel like we don't know who we really are anymore.
We’re taught to look for what's wrong with us. What we lacking? What skills? What personality traits? What connections?
When the only thing wrong is the judgments we pass on ourselves in order to avoid being judged by others.
Releasing those layers one by crazy courageous. It goes against all the survival instincts you've built to be loved, seen and protected. is what magnetizes.
It’s not just the pathway to purpose, it’s total soul alignment. Where you and your source of energy and inspiration become one.
Prioritizing ourselves first - our desires, our feelings, our way of doing things.
Then, the magic can happen.
To your becoming,